Data Loading

Data Loading

As usual, data loading is the (almost) most complex part of the model. It tries to be fairly general, maybe too much so. (Probably, this should become its own package at some point.)

All the data needed by the model are encoded in the subtypes of DataKind, thus listing both at once:

abstract DataKind
# glacier outline
abstract OutlineData <: DataKind
# misc model parameters
abstract ParaData <: DataKind
# DEM 2D
abstract DEMData <: DataKind
# ice surface velocity
abstract IVData <: DataKind
# Surface mass balance
abstract BdotData <: DataKind
# dh/dt data
abstract DhdtData <: DataKind
# basal sliding fraction
abstract FslData <: DataKind
# ice temperature
abstract TempData <: DataKind
# ice thickness (e.g. radar or nothing)
abstract ThicknessData <: DataKind
# ice flux at terminus
abstract TerminusFluxData <: DataKind

Most of these data can be 2D, 1D or 0D. Except the DEM and outline need to be 2D, which are (currently) regarded as fixed, i.e. as having no error (wrong but makes life much easier). All the others quantities can/should have an error. Note that whilst some data will come from measurements or other, external models, some maybe just generated (for instance ice temperature).

One data-set is then encoded by DataSet{DK<:DataKind, LOADER}, where LOADER is a symbol representing the used loader function (or synthesising function).

TODO: think about mask vs outlines and other such overlapping cases.

Basic operation

The basic operation is as follows.


for example:

# choosing Unteraar Glacier from the ITMIX dataset:
gid = GV.ITMIXGlacier{:Unteraar}()
pl = GV.LoadPara()

Now use load_glacier! to load all the data and parameters:

gl,pp,pm,pn = load_glacier!(dt,pl,pp,pm)

which will load a default set of data for a specific glacier.

This is all which is needed to run the forward and inverse model, see Forward Model and almost all for the Inverse Model.

hs1d, taus1d, ivs1d, hs2d, taus2d, ivs2d, taus1d_l, vol_ratio, gb =
        GV.fwdm(gl, pp, pm, pn)

Customisation of the loading process

There are several places in which the loading process can be adjusted. In order of increasing complexity:

Setting various options with LoadPara

During the load process there are several aspects which can be customized.

LoadPara customization:

Not settable/used fields of LoadPara are:

Example of setting the standard-deviation by hand for a few measurement types, as well as setting a few setting in the model-parameters MPara:

gid = ITMIXGlacier{:Unteraar}()
pl = GV.LoadPara(update_cache=false)
# customize pl:
pl.data_root = joinpath(pl.data_root,"ITMIX")
for (k,v) in Dict(GV.ThicknessData=>10.0,
pl.dataset_opts[GV.ParaData][:pm] = Dict(
    :bandsize => 30,
    :window_width_smooth=>100, # can make a noisy tau

# Now load/create the glacier and parameters
gl,pp,pm,pn = load_glacier!(gid,pl)

Choosing data-sources manually

Instead of above, different data-sets can be chosen. Consider:

dt = make_datatable(gid, pl)
gl,pp,pm,pn = load_glacier!(dt,pl)

which is equivalent to gl,pp,pm,pn = load_glacier!(gid,pl). However, now the DataTable dt can be manipulated before being passed to load_glacier!, which allows different datasource to be selected.

The make_datatable function creates a standard datatable for a given glacier, e.g. for an ITMIX glacier it will select all the available ITMIX data. If instead we want to use a different $\dot{b}$ (say), then we could do:

dt = make_datatable(gid, pl)
# swap out the bdot
bdot_synth = GV.DataSet{GV.BdotData, GV.SyntheticBenchLoader}([""],
dt = GV.DataTable(dt, bdot=bdot_synth)
gl,pp,pm,pn = load_glacier!(dt,pl)

Under the hood

To accommodate as many different file types as possible, as well as accommodating synthetic data, etc. the load_glacier! function calls into many different methods of the load! function which has the following signature:

load!(ds::DataSet{<:DataKind, :Loader}, gid::GlacierID, more_args...)

The dispatch happens with with first one or two arguments: i.e. a DataSet (parameterized on a DataKind and a Loader), potentially additionally dispatching on a glacier-ID too. An example, returning the parameters structures, looks like so:

function load!(ds::DataSet{ParaData}, gid::GlacierID,
               pp::Phys=Phys(), pm::MPara=MPara(), pn::Num=Num())
    kwargs = ds.opts
    pp = Phys(pp; get(kwargs, :pp, Dict{Symbol,Any}())...)
    pm = MPara(pm; get(kwargs, :pm, Dict{Symbol,Any}())...)
    pn = Num(pn; get(kwargs, :pn, Dict{Symbol,Any}())...)
    return pp::Phys, pm::MPara, pn::Num

Of note is how the options are passed to the constructors Phys, etc., i.e. they are the field opts of DataSet. Which in terms gets populated from the field dataset_opts is in the LoadPara instance which was used to create the dataset.
