Parameters manual

Parameters manual

This is a manual by example (examples/ex1.jl).

Types with default values & keyword constructors

Create a type which has default values using @with_kw:

using Parameters

@with_kw struct PhysicalPara{R}
    rw::R = 1000.
    ri::R = 900.
    L::R = 3.34e5
    g::R = 9.81
    cw::R = 4220.
    day::R = 24*3600.

Now the type can be constructed using the default values, or with non-defaults specified with keywords:

# Create an instance with the defaults
pp = PhysicalPara()
pp_f32 = PhysicalPara{Float32}() # the type parameter can be chosen explicitly
# Make one with some non-defaults
pp2 = PhysicalPara(cw=77.0, day= 987.0)
# Make another one based on the previous one with some modifications
pp3 = PhysicalPara(pp2; cw=.11e-7, rw=100.)
# the normal positional constructor can also be used
# (and should be used in hot inner loops)
pp4 = PhysicalPara(1,2,3,4,5,6)

To enforce constraints on the values, it's possible to use @asserts straight inside the type-def. (As usual, for mutables these asserts can be violated by updating the fields after type construction.)

@with_kw struct PhysicalPara2{R}
    rw::R = 1000.; @assert rw>0
    ri::R = 900.
    @assert rw>ri # Note that the placement of assertions is not
                  # relevant. (They are moved to the constructor.

Parameter interdependence is possible:

@with_kw struct Para{R<:Real}
    a::R = 5
    c::R = a+b
pa = Para(b=7)

Often the bulk of fields will have the same type. To help with this, a default type can be set. Using this feature, the last example (with additional field d) can be written more compactly as:

@with_kw struct Para2{R<:Real} @deftype R
    a = 5
    c = a+b
    d::Int = 4 # adding a type overrides the @deftype
pa2 = Para2(b=7)

# or more pedestrian
@with_kw struct Para3 @deftype Float64
    a = 5
    c = a+b
    d::Int = 4
pa3 = Para3(b=7)

Custom inner constructors can be defined as long as:

The keyword constructor goes through the inner positional constructor, thus invariants or any other calculation will be honored.

@with_kw struct MyS{R}
    a::R = 5
    b = 4
    MyS{R}(a,b) where {R} = (@assert a>b; new(a,b)) #
    MyS{R}(a) where {R} = MyS{R}(a, a-1) # For this provide your own outer constructor:
MyS(a::R) where {R} = MyS{R}(a)

MyS{Int}() # MyS(5,4)
ms = MyS(3) # MyS(3,2)
MyS(ms, b=-1) # MyS(3,-1)
    MyS(ms, b=6) # this will fail the assertion

Note that two of the main reasons to have an inner constructor, assertions and simple calculations, are more easily achieved with @asserts and parameter interdependence.

The macro @with_kw defines a show-method which is, hopefully, more informative than the standard one. For example the printing of the first example is:

julia> PhysicalPara()
  rw: Float64 1000.0
  ri: Float64 900.0
  L: Float64 334000.0
  g: Float64 9.81
  cw: Float64 4220.0
  day: Float64 86400.0

If this show method definition is not desired, for instance because of method re-definition warnings, then use @with_kw_noshow.

Named Tuple Support

As mentioned in the README, the @with_kw macro can be used to decorate a named tuple and produce a named tuple constructor with those defaults.

Users of Julia v0.6 should be aware of this caveat that prohibits assignments like @with_kw (f = f, x = x). This is a consequence of different scoping rules for keyword arguments in v0.6 and v0.7.

Users of v0.6 will also need to explicitly import NamedTuples.jl, since this functionality is not present in that version of base Julia.

These named tuples can be defined as such:

MyNT = @with_kw (f = x -> x^3, y = 3, z = "foo")

And the constructors can be used as follows:

julia> MyNT(f = x -> x^2, z = :foo)
(f = #12, y = 3, z = :foo)

The constructor is not type-locked:

julia> MyNT(f = "x -> x^3")
(f = "x -> x^3", y = 3, z = "foo")

And these named tuples can unpacked in the usual way (see below).

julia> @unpack f, y, z = MyNT()
(f = #7, y = 3, z = "foo")

julia> f
(::#7) (generic function with 1 method)

julia> y

julia> z

Since the macro operates on a single tuple expression (as opposed to a tuple of assignment expressions),writing @with_kw(x = 1, y = :foo) will return an error suggesting you write @with_kw (x = 1, y = :foo).

(Un)pack macros

When working with parameters, or otherwise, it is often convenient to unpack (and pack) some or all of the fields of a type. This is often the case when passed into a function.

The preferred to do this is using the @unpack and @pack macros which are generic and also work with non-@with_kw types, modules, and dictionaries (and can be customized for other types too, see next section). Continuing with the Para type defined above:

function fn2(var, pa::Para)
    @unpack a, b = pa # equivalent to: a,b = pa.a,pa.b
    out = var + a + b
    b = 77
    @pack pa = b # equivalent to: pa.b = b
    return out, pa

out, pa = fn1(7, pa)

Example with a dictionary:

d = Dict{Symbol,Any}(:a=>5.0,:b=>2,:c=>"Hi!")
@unpack a, c = d
a == 5.0 #true
c == "Hi!" #true

d = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
@pack d = a, c
d # Dict{Symbol,Any}(:a=>5.0,:c=>"Hi!")

Customization of @unpack and @pack

What happens during the (un-)packing of a particular datatype is determined by the functions Parameters.unpack and Parameters.pack!.

The Parameters.unpack function is invoked to unpack one entity of some DataType and has signature:

unpack(dt::Any, ::Val{field}) -> value of field

Two definitions are included in the package to unpack a composite type or a dictionary with Symbol or string keys:

@inline unpack{f}(x, ::Val{f}) = getfield(x, f)
@inline unpack{k}(x::Associative{Symbol}, ::Val{k}) = x[k]
@inline unpack{S<:AbstractString,k}(x::Associative{S}, ::Val{k}) = x[string(k)]

The Parameters.pack! function is invoked to pack one entity into some DataType and has signature:

pack!(dt::Any, ::Val{field}, value) -> value

Two definitions are included in the package to pack into a composite type or into a dictionary with Symbol or string keys:

@inline pack!{f}(x, ::Val{f}, val) = setfield!(x, f, val)
@inline pack!{k}(x::Associative{Symbol}, ::Val{k}, val) = x[k]=val
@inline pack!{S<:AbstractString,k}(x::Associative{S}, ::Val{k}, val) = x[string(k)]=val

More methods can be added to unpack and pack! to allow for specialized packing of datatypes.

The type-specific (un)pack macros (somewhat dangerous)

The @with_kw macro automatically produces type-specific (un-)pack macros of form @unpack_TypeName and @pack!_TypeName which unpack/pack all fields:

function fn(var, pa::Para)
    @unpack_Para pa # the macro is constructed during the @with_kw
                    # and called @unpack_*
    out = var + a + b
    b = 77
    @pack!_Para pa # only works with mutables
    return out, pa

out, pa = fn(7, pa)

However, note that the (un-)packing macros which unpack all fields have a few pitfalls, as changing the type definition will change what local variables are available in a function using @unpack_*. Examples:

Thus, in general, it is probably better to use the @(un)pack macros instead.